If it's a marketing manager who wants to build brand awareness, show them brazil phone number list impressions and clicks. Also, explain things to them. Tell them what these metrics mean and why they're important - in terms they'll understand. Rather than giving people a sheet of numbers, give them value, information, and context. This will help ensure that your reports are not only read, but used. The brazil phone number list exact content you need will depend on the destination. These are people you will know better than us.If you're not sure, ask them. Find out the most important aspect they check and the reports that are really useful to them. There is no point in creating reports for them. If they want something specific.
Build it and move onia. It's much simpler. Take a step back from vanity metrics brazil phone number list vanity metrics are those that serve no purpose other than boosting your ego and making things right. But they don't actually provide any actionable value and shouldn't be included in your reports. It's a colossal waste of time. Metrics like time spent on site are a prime example. If users are spending more time on your landing page, this stat can be included in your brazil phone number list report for a boost. But that doesn't show anything. It doesn't matter whether someone spends 2 seconds or 4 hours on your landing page.
The only thing that does is take action. Most of this is about context. If brazil phone number list you're trying to increase sales of a new product you've launched, you shouldn't be looking at ad impressions. It doesn't provide anything valuable except for a weird "Neat!" exclamation. What if 5,000 people saw the ad? Tell me how many people bought the product. That is what matters. And that's what brazil phone number list your reports should be about. Yes, this is the data covered. Now let's talk about how you actually create these reports.